Donisthorpe Cemetery

The Cemetery was opened in 1875, taking over from the church grounds of Donisthorpe Church for the burials of people (of all faiths) from Donisthorpe, Oakthorpe & Moira. It is still in use today. The cemetery sat on a 1.5 acre site and was further extended by 4 acres in 1901. The site is currently managed by a Burial Committee consisting of local parish councillors from Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe & Acresford Parish Council & Ashby Woulds Town Council, the are assisted by Clerk to the Committee Sue Beirne.

Consecration of Donisthorpe Cemetery extension

Following extensive drainage works and provision of new footpaths and roadway on Saturday 23rd June 2018 a Service of Consecration of the last section of land took place in the Cemetery at 1.00pm. This service of blessing and dedication was performed by Bishop Guli, the new Bishop of Loughborough. Councillor Ray Merry, Chairman of the Burial Committee invited all members of both the Ashby Woulds and Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe and Acresford communities and organisations & businesses associated with Donisthorpe Cemetery to attend this unique event.

Commonwealth War Graves

The cemetery also contains a number of Commonwealth War Graves from WW1 & WW2.

World War I:
  1. G. CHAWNER, priv., 7th Btn. Leics Regt., died 31 July 1916.
  2. Arnold Penford LOCK, priv., 2nd/5th Btn. Leics Regt., age 23, died 22 Jan 1918. Son of Kate LOCK and the late Arthur LOCK.
  3. Wilfred REDFERN, rifleman, 18th Btn. KRRC, age 19, died 24 Sept. 1916. Son of George and Mary Ann REDFERN.
  4. George Arthur WILLDAY, priv., Liecs. Regt., age 27, died 26 Feb. 1917. Husband of Mrs. Elsie Faith WILLDAY.
World War II:
  1. Gerald GREENWOOD, srgt., 22 Sqdn. RAF, age 23, died 15 Apr. 1940. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. GREENWOOD, of Moira.
  2. Walter Alexander JARVIS, able seaman, Royal Navy (HMS Victory), age 25, died 2 Oct. 1946. Husband of Kathleen Maud JARVIS, of Oakthorpe.
  3. Frank KEEN, major, RAOC, age 49, 25 Feb. 1944. Son of Thomas Benyon Keen and Mary KEEN.
  4. Frank WATERS, priv., Glouc. Regt., age 25, died 5 Nov. 1943. Son of Frank and Eliza WATERS.
  5. Joseph WRIGHT, lance cpl., 226 General Transport co., RASC, age 28, died 29 Jan. 1946. Son of Joseph and Mary Ann WRIGHT.


Ashby Woulds Town Council & Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe & Acresford Parish Council Joint Burial Committee
Meet the team
Cllr D Warren
Cllr M Warren (Chairman)
Cllr N Antill-Holmes
Cllr A Hancock-George
For further information please contact the Burial Clerk: Sue Beirne
Mobile: 07776 100858

Cemetery Entrance