Community Awards 2024

Who will you nominate?

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Do you know anyone that deserves a Community Award?

The community awards will be voted for and presented 9th September 2024. ODA Parish Council hopes these awards will raise hope and highlights all the positive things happening in our Parish, as well as celebrating some of the positive aspects of the ODA Community.

To make a nomination: Nominations can be made by using the nomination form, by letter, or email

There are three community award categories: -


  • Community Hero
  • Group Award
  • Business Award 


Community Hero
An individual award to be presented to a member/s of our community who has made a difference to the lives of others, doing things that encourage people to come together, making the community an interesting/good place to live.

Group Award
There are many groups in ODA of varying types. This award is open for any group—sporting, hobby, church, educational or indeed any group of people who meet on a regular basis. The group award nominations should be for groups that enrich and improve the lives of their members or the wider community.

Business Award
Any business in ODA is eligible for nomination. Nominated businesses should have contributed to the community in some way. Ideally, a business that shows commitment to the residents of the parish.